Ľudia v JKBOZ

Mgr. Natália Ťažiarová

Marketing Department

After completing my degree in Digital Marketing, I found the opportunity to join JKBOZ s.r.o. I have been with this company since 2021, when I joined as HSE Support. In 2023, I had the privilege of witnessing the relaunch of our website and the relaunch of our social media. With the new corporate look came the need for a new marketing department.

Po ukončení štúdia digitálneho marketingu som našla príležitosť nastúpiť do spoločnosti JKBOZ s.r.o. V tejto spoločnosti pôsobím od roku 2021, kedy som nastúpila na pozíciu HSE Support. V roku 2023 som mal tú česť byť svedkom obnovenia našej webovej stránky a obnovenia našich sociálnych médií. S novým firemným vzhľadom prišla aj potreba nového marketingového oddelenia.

After graduating with a degree in digital marketing, I found the opportunity to join JKBOZ s.r.o. I have been with the company since 2021 when I joined as HSE Support. In 2023, I had the privilege of witnessing the relaunch of our website and the relaunch of our social media. With the new corporate look came the need for a new marketing department.

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