Odborné školenia

Chainsaw Operator in Handling

The participants of the Operation of a handheld motor chainsaw in performing another activity course will obtain theoretic and practical knowledge required for the operation and maintenance of a handheld motor chainsaw relating to the performance of activity of a sawyer. During the course, the participants will obtain skills relating to correct sawing in performing other activity than timber harvesting, the cutting techniques, and will acquaint with correct handling with wood mass in performing other activity than timber harvesting. 

The course participants finish the upbringing and education with a written test and a practical exam, and subsequently, they will receive the Motor Chainsaw Operator in Performing Another Activity Licence.

JKBOZ s.r.o. is accredited by the National Labour Inspectorate and provides upbringing and education of persons for the operation of a handheld motor chainsaw while performing another activity on the basis of authorisation No. VVZ-0034/19-10.3.

We provide the following training:

  • basic, 
  • repeated, 
  • refresher.

Conditions for participation in upbringing and education of persons for the operation a motor chainsaw while performing another activity:

  • finished primary education,
  • age at least 18 years,
  • medical fitness – doctor’s certificate of medical fitness for work may not be older than 6 months.

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