Všeobecné školenia

Occupational Safety

The aim of upbringing and education is to provide the employees and managerial employees with basic information on applicable regulations for ensuring occupational health and safety, convey the interpretation of such regulations and give them instructions for the effective application thereof in practice. 

The aim is also to provide the course participants with practical instructions how to organise health and safety at the workplace, approximate the hazards and threats that occur in the performed work activity and inform them about the measures to be adopted in order to decrease or completely eliminate them.

It is the employer’s obligation to provide OHS training for all employees under Act No. 124/2006 Coll. on health and safety at work and on the amendments to certain acts.

JKBOZ s.r.o provides you with Upbringing and education of employees and managerial employees under the certificate No. VVZ-1071/08-01.1.

Basic familiarisation

1. Familiarisation of employees or managerial employees with basic legal regulations of the legislation governing ensuring occupational health and safety

2. Familiarisation of employees with internal regulations of the employer, such as work rules, procedures, operational regulations

3. Familiarisation of employees of how to behave safely at the workplace, how to identify risks, dangers and threats.

4. Familiarisation of employees with dangers resulting from work and work environment and regarding adopting measures to decrease or completely eliminate risks.

Repeated familiarisation of employees is carried out at least once per two years, unless otherwise determined by the organisation.

Types of OHS familiarisation:

     - input and periodical training of workers including the verification of knowledge,

     - input and periodical training of managerial employees including the verification of knowledge.

Manner of training:

  • face-to-face form of training,
  • distance form of training – e-learning.

All types of our e-learning training are approved by the National Labour Inspectorate, so they fully substitute the face-to-face training form.

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Ponúkame kvalitné výrobky od renomovaných výrobcov v oblasti protipožiarnej ochrany a bezpečnosti pri práci.

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