
Occupational Health Service

The purpose of occupational health service is a prevention of occupational diseases and work-related accidents, as well as the protection and support of health, taking into account the medical fitness of employees in the course of their work life, with the aim to maintain the employees’ ability to work and good health.

JKBOZ s.r.o. carries out occupational health service (OHSE) under the issued authority No.: OPPL/8908/2017-Oj of 25/11/2017. 

  • health surveillance for the employees classified in first and second category of work in terms of health risks;
  • surveillance over the work environment. We assess the factors of work and work environment, the manner of performance of work in terms of their potential impact on the employees’ health, taking into account individual specificities and needs of the client;
  • detection of exposure of the employees to the factors of work and work environment and their potential combined effects on health (noise, dust, vibrations, biological factors, chemical factors, carcinogenic and mutagenic factors, ionising and non-ionising radiation, etc.);
  • proposal of measures for decreasing or elimination of risk;
  • elaboration of opinions on risk for individual factors of work and work environment, as well as elaboration of work rules;
  • elaboration of proposals for categorisation of work according to health risks;
  • provision of reasonable consulting to the employer and the employees (in the areas of measurement of factors, planning and organising work, employees’ rest, layout of workplaces and working places, as well as the manner of performance of work in terms of health protection, ergonomics, technologies, etc.);
  • representation of the employer in the inspection of workplaces during the state health supervision (hygiene inspections);
  • provision of active assistance in opening and establishing a new plant, reconciliation of requirements with applicable legislation;
  • assistance in electronic notification of work classified in the 2nd category;
  • advisory and consulting activities in the area of work hygiene.

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